Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Curly Q Birthday

It was our friend, Damian's birthday a few weeks ago and we could pass up another opportunity to have a themed party! Damian is a man after my own "hair". His might even surpass mine in curliness...hence the curly q party!

Everything that we ate was curly...pretzels, cheetohs, apples, cheese, name it, we had it. We even had curly straws!

Everyone did their hair curly as well! Here is Julie sporting her curlers!

As of late, we have lost most of our guy friends. Plus the birthday boy showed up 3 hours late! Here are all the ladies modeling the curlies...

Don't ask me how I got roped into this...the one party where I don't have to do anything to fit in and I get talked into brushing my hair. It made for good laughs. Kirsten had to wear a wig to look as good as me!

Here are Julie and Mauren sporting their curls! I think they both look fantastic. I think that curls should really catch on!

Here is the man of the hour, blowing out his curly candles!

1 comment:

Alona said...

I was such a bum for that party! Also, that is a TERRIBLE picture of me. YIKES!