Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Boot to the Head

A couple of nights ago as Adam and I were going to bed he decided that it would be funny to put his icy cold feet on my stomach. I screamed and tried to retaliate by doing the same thing. As I was trying to get my feet up to his stomach he tickled me. For those of you who know me, you know how ticklish I am and that I tend to flail all of my appendages. Well, my foot happened to be in the vicinity of his head. I kicked him, right smack in the kisser. Adam said it was a mule kick! Serves him right, if you ask me! Here are the pictures. To make it even better (or worse), he had to give a presentation the next day in his class.


Mom said...

Adam has such nice teeth! Did he wear braces? Hope he learned his lesson about cold feet and tickling.

Alona said...

It's not even as bad as I pictured. He totally deserved it, by the way!

Susannah said...

No braces...lucky guy!

shellysanford said...

okay, this is absolutely hilarious! we are friends of adam by the way.

Susannah said...

Glad to connect, Shelly! Adam has told me about you and Randy.