Friday, January 8, 2010

New Years in Idaho

We came home from Texas a few days early so we could spend some of the holidays with Adam's family. We had a really good time. This was probably my first really "white" holiday that I can remember.

On New Years Eve we went to Albion to visit Adam's grand parents. It was good to spend time with them. I had only met them for a few minutes at our reception. Here we are at their house. I really liked this old tractor.

Here is the view down the street from their house. It is an adorable little town.

Erika and Grandma Bell

Adam and Grandpa Bell.

When we got back to Boise we were both so tired that we decided not to stay up and ring in the new year. Lame, I know...but we were really tired!

We spent the last couple of days up in Placerville. For Christmas Adam gave me a new lens for my camera. It is supposed to take good night pictures, so we tried it out. Not bad!

It looks like a forest fire behind me...its not! It is the neighbors house with it's porch lights on. I guess the lens works! Thanks, Adam!

This is the most snow I've ever been in! There was about 3 feet or so. It was beautiful.

We went on a walk with Vic and Deej one morning. It is so peaceful with all that snow everywhere.

I might have accidentally pushed Adam into the snow. Okay... it was no accident, but he pushed me in and all.


It was the weirdest thing. On our way home, we saw a camel. Who knew they could live in the snow?

Not quite as romantic as spaghetti...

I had my first go at cross country skiing. I think I could really get into it! It took me a little while to get the hang of things.

Adam looked like an 80's rocker. I loved it! We stayed on the road for a while, and then made our own trail through the 3 feet of snow. I loved it...except for the falling down. Apparently, I don't have my balance just right on the little down hills. Luckily snow doesn't hurt!

We left Sunday morning to come back to Moscow. We went to church in an adorable little town called Garden Valley. Adam took this amazing shot. It really is beautiful there. We've decided that in the end we want to end up somewhere really warm or in Garden Valley!

I'm a little sad to be done with the holidays. We had so much fun being with our families and friends. I hope everyone else had a safe and fun vacation as well! Happy New Year!


Adam and I got to go to Texas for Christmas. It was so much fun. I loved being with my family. We flew into Houston and got to visit the Chappell's and the other Houston friends and then we headed to San Angelo for the rest of the break.

My Dad and My Adam both have birthdays in December. In fact, their birthdays are just a week apart. They both had pretty "big" birthdays this year. Here is dad blowing out his candles for his 60th birthday. I think we pulled off a successful surprise.

We went camping for Adam's birthday. He had a delicious dutch oven peach cobbler for his cake. It really was good! Adam turned the big 30 this year. Where does the time go?! I just wanted to let both of them know that I love them and am very grateful for the influence they are in my life.

(Alona did a great job of documenting our trip and both birthdays. To see all the fun pictures you can click here and go to her blog. Thanks, Alona!)

The "P" Party

Adam has a December birthday and we were going to be in Texas so we decided to have a little party for him here in Moscow. I love themed parties and this is no exception. We decided to have a "P" party. "P" has no significance, it is just a great letter for costumes and food!

I decided to join the club in our ward and be pregnant! I am also wearing pink and plaid. Without even thinking Adam knew what to be...provocative (thanks Alona)!

April is a polka dot (if I remember right) and Matt is a pill.

(I apologize for the graphic nature of this picture) Brett came as a proctologist... and yes, his finger is brown.

Hailey was a little more tasteful as a pod of peas!

Sean and his roommate, Ben, came. They didn't dress up, but they are both wearing pants and they played a lot of games.

Stephanie stole my costume by wearing pink and being pregnant...except hers isn't a costume! Jon is a punk!

The Langstons never let us down. Lanny is wearing pink panther pants and Katie has peace panties on her head.

Here Andy is being pleasant and Hilary is puckering! A few others came that I don't have pictures of. We had a good turn out and I'm grateful for good friends.

Here is a shot of the food table. My favorite were the "phortune cookies". I had Adam's family and friends send me a fortune for him and I put them in cookies. Everyone got a fortune cookie and then read Adam the fortune. I liked it!

I am not sure why this picture is turned, but here is the cake. I wrote the word with chocolate and then put sprinkles on them.

Happy Birthday!

And what is birthday without a game of Mormon Bridge? Good times in Moscow!

Winter...'s winter in Moscow and besides freezing to death, I've discovered a few things that I don't love about Moscow.

One is the fact that our windows freeze over. I woke up to find this one nice winter day. Sheesh!

Here is an up close shot of the ice. It's real cold here!

The other complaint I have is the nice lovely hill that we live on. Sure, it has a great view that we love...but it is nigh impossible to get up it when the roads are snowy and icy. Luckily Adam has snow tires. Let's just say I've done a lot more walking lately!