Sunday, September 19, 2010

Boulder Creek Mud Bug Dinner . . .

Adam and I thought we'd do a little hike at boulder creek. Little did we know the adventure we had in store. On the way to the trailhead, we saw a dog running down the middle of the highway and it looked like he was trying to chase down a truck. I thought that maybe there was some bacon or a herd of cats in the back of the truck, but Adam correctly assumed that the dog was just chasing after its owners. I left Adam on the side of the road with the dog while I chased after the owners (I didn't want the dog, or Adam, drooling in the back of my car). After thirty minutes of fruitless searching I came back to find Adam sitting alone on the side of the road. I guess the owners came back for the dog about 2 minutes after I left and Adam had just been sitting on the side of the road, flicking rocks . . . for half an hour. I was just glad we didn't have to adopt a dog.

Then we went to Boulder Creek and Adam caught hisself some delicious mudbugs. He screamed a little when he caught the first one. Said the fish were nibbling his toes, but I think that sometimes he's just a big wussy. But was a big brave man after that.

Then we came home and boiled ourselves some delicious river lobster. Didn't really know how, but looked up some recipes online and went to town.

They boiled up nice and pink.

Adam just ate the tail meat. When he left, I finished off the exoskeletons. He wouldn't have known, but the little claw left on my flavor saver gave me away. MMMMM!!!!

**Disclaimer: Adam was the author of this post!

Birthday Cake...

Last weekend a friend in our ward threw a birthday party for her two boys. I offered to make the cakes. I have a few cupcake books and was excited to try some of the ideas out. One of the boys likes dinosaurs and the other likes cars. Below are my attempts! I won't show what they were supposed to look like!! I did my best!

Triceratops Cupcake

Stegasaurus Cupcake

A few of the dinos.

I really had big plans for this little cake. It turned out nothing like I hoped it would. But it turned out better than it could have. Adam's laughter at it confirmed my fears! The next ones will be better!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wheat Fields and Family Pictures

Last Sunday Adam and I headed out to one of the few remaining wheat fields here in Moscow. We took a few family pictures. I really liked them all in the little view finder on my camera, but when I looked at them full size I wasn't quite as fond of them! Apparently I have a double chin!! What can you do?! Here are a few of my favorites!

Magruder Corridor

The week before school started we met Adam's parents in Elk City. Adam and his dad had both heard about a road called the Magruder Corridor. If I remember right it is the longest dirt road in the continental US. It is a pretty rugged ride, so Adam and Vic decided to take the dirt bikes and give it a try.

We made camp near a little town called Red River. Adam and I got spoiled by Vic and Deej's cooking. We're used to hot dogs and oatmeal!

The visor on Adam's helmet got a little bent, so he took it off and tried to straighten it. We all thought he looked like Optimus Prime!

Adam and Vic headed out in the morning for their trip.

I had to say good bye!

These next few pictures Adam and Vic took. I don't really have an explanation for any of the pictures, as I was not there. I hope you enjoy them though!

Apparently there was an open spot between Adam's helmet and goggles. His head was pretty dirty!

They had a good time and I was glad to get to explore another part of Idaho. It is beautiful here. While the boys were out riding, Deidre and I went for a hike. It was a great time!

Mt. Rainier

A couple of weeks ago Adam and I decided to go to Glacier National Park. We had actually tried to go a couple of times, but something always came up. This time there were we decided to head over to Washington instead and see what we could find. My mom had a book of hike for Washington. After perusing it we decided on Mt. Rainer.

One of the best parts of the hike was the first little bit. The bridge goes over Christine Falls... and it was beautiful.

A lot of the trail was pretty gnarly. It was wet and slippery too.

Here is Adam by the river.

One of the main attractions was Comet Falls. It was pretty impressive.

It felt like a hurricane down at the bottom. I couldn't believe how windy and cold it was down there.

Here is another view of the falls.

We decided to keep going after the falls to a place called Van Gaard Park (or something like that). It was so foggy. I loved it. The trail was pretty steep. They had to put steps in.

Here it is at the top. I loved it up there. I felt like I was in the Sound of Music or something.

We wanted to make it to the snow. We did it!! You can see Adam in the back jumping for joy!

I had to experience the snow first hand.

One of the trees that had fallen over had these cool purple pine cones on it.

At the top...or at least as far as we went. The trail we up another 1000 in elevation we found out.

A giant slug we found on the way back.

After our hike, the weather finally started clearing up. We saw this rainbow...but we were still sad that we han't seen the top of Mt. Rainier.

As the sun was setting...and we were almost out of the park we saw some people taking pictures. We turned around just in time to catch this view of Mt. Rainier. It was beautiful. I'm glad we got to see it!