Friday, June 1, 2012

Sweet Penny Lee

I know that I am 2 1/2 weeks late with this, but things got really busy around here!  PENNY made it here safe and sound!

 On Monday night around midnight I started having contractions...the real deal.  I had braxton hicks for about a week.  These were painful, so I assumed that things were progressing.  I almost woke Adam up and told him to be ready, but he was in the other room (because of my snoring!), and I didn't want to go get him!    The contractions were far enough apart that I wasn't too worried.  They continued all morning on Tuesday (the 15th)...and they were starting to get bad.  Around noon we went and got our neighbor to help Adam give me a blessing and then we were off.  My mom was in town, so Evie stayed at home with her.  When we were on our way my contractions got farther apart.  They were consistently about 6-8 minutes apart.  I was annoyed!  We stopped at Sonic for some drinks in hopes of things going faster.  It didn't help.  We went to the hospital anyway.  They said that they would check things out before they admitted me.  I was already dilated to 5 centimeters.  They admitted me at 1:20 and I had an  epidural within an hour...thank heavens!  The epidural was way stronger than the one I had with Evie.  I couldn't feel a thing.  It was good and bad.  I liked being able to tell what was going on with Evie without all the pain.  Soon after the epidural they checked me again and I was at an 8.5.  They broke my water and started getting ready for the baby to come!  Once I started pushing, Penny was here in 8 minutes!  She was born at 5:21.  Things went much more smoothly this time around!

 Here is our sweet little Penny weighing in at 7 lbs 10 oz!

 She is perfect!!

 I'll admit that I got a little teary holding that precious little thing.

 She looks a lot like Evie in this picture.

 Here is the proud Daddy!

Vic, Deej, and Erika got to come to the hospital.  They were our first visitors.

Adam and I stayed at the hospital that night.  At 7:45 Wednesday morning Adam's phone rang.  It was the Attorney General's office, offering Adam a job!  What a good week!  He'll always think of the baby as his lucky Penny!  He started work on the 29th and so far so good!

Evie got to meet her the next day. She didn't love the baby!  In fact, she tried to push her away when she got too close.

 Evie has been warming up to her.  She asks about the baby in the morning.  She still doesn't like it when she cries though.

Here is our first family picture of 4!

It was so nice having my mom here.  Evie sure got spoiled by Grandma!

Here are a few little videos of Penny.

Evie meeting Penny!


Alona said...

Yay for new posts. Good work, Sus! :) You have two amazing little miracles now!

etreiersen said...

Congratulations! What a pretty baby girl. Adam is a lucky man to be surround by 3 beautiful girls :) Susannah you look great right after giving birth, I am a little jealous. I hope the new transition goes smoothly for you.
I miss your sweet family. Next time you come visit your parents we will have to meet up somewhere.

Wendy Sue said...

You're pretty amazing, what a Supermom and what cute little girls you have!