Monday, January 31, 2011

A Blowout!

Alona came out to visit us this week and we're loving it. She brought Evie lots of cute clothes. We were most excited about this little pink Polo dress! (I will apologize in advance to Genevieve for this post...I hope you forgive me!)

Alex came over to eat with us...and unfortunately, this is the only picture we got of the dress "pre-blowout"!

Adam was holding her when the situation took a turn for the worse. We knew it was bad when he pulled his hand back and it was wet! He quickly gave her to Alona. Both of them were a little grossed out!

It was quite the ordeal trying to get her clothes off without getting "the blowout" everywhere. Adams reactions were cracking me up!

Sorry for the close-up. We want everyone to experience this as if you were there with us!

The good news is... Evie really likes baths now. The minute we put her in, she was content as could be, which means we got these adorable pictures of her.

How can anything be this cute...

and this little?! I sure love this little girl! Hooray for baths and hooray for being clean!


deej said...

Oh I remember those days . . . seemed they always happened at church for me! And it was often down the leg clear to the big toe . . . hope the little dress came clean . . .

Phil and Beki said...

Nice one Susanna! I blogged also about the first time Reagan pooed on Grams - send me your email address, and I will add you to our blog and you can check it out - it was Aug 15, 2008! And you can also keep up with the crazy happenings of my parent - and check out our kiddos! Evie is precious! :)

Phil and Beki said...

Forgot to leave my email: - been a long day - 2 kiddos being crazy!