Wednesday, June 2, 2010


My friends, April and Chelsea, taught a few of us how to knit. I was really excited to learn a new skill. April actually tried to teach me last summer...and I failed. I was more determined this time, however. Here is my first wash cloth. I made it for Alona for her birthday and bless her heart, she liked it! I look and it, and can tell it was my first one! I also made one for mine and Adam's moms for Mother's Day. Funny that a little wash cloth could make me so happy!


Alona said...

I like it so much, I just can't use it! I'll try to break down and use it one of these days, but I don't want it to get dirty! :)

Wendy Sue said...

I really like mine too, I'm not going to use it until I get to my new house!

deej said...

I can't bring myself to use mine as such either . . . but have it in a place of honor in the kitchen window under one of my knicky knacks . . . by the way, I need you to give me the lesson on taking off the stitches when you're to the end . . . I've got the putting on part down . . . but it's the never ending project at this point . . .