Friday, November 20, 2009


This seems like an innocent dish of cornbread, does it not? Well, it's not! This is a source of a friendly rivalry. Last night our ward had a chili cook-off. The previous night I attended a book club along with Katie (shown below with her husband, Lanny).

Katie made the comment that she was going to win first place on her cornbread at the chili cook-off. I kindly told her that she was wrong and that I had the recipe of "the award winning cornbread". She laughed at me and we continue to banter back and forth about our various corn breads. Each of us went home and told our husbands how silly the other one was! Adam of course sided with me!

We couldn't actually attend the chili cook-off because we had a meeting we had to go to, so our neighbors took our corn bread for us. Adam and I got done early so we headed over to see the outcome. Lanny ran up to us and informed us that they won by a landslide (admittedly through a lot of coercion). I was a little shocked, but we weren't there to support our bread. Here is where the story gets really funny to me... Lanny asked how we made our cornbread and then proceeded to name all of the ingredients. I was a little confused. Apparently, they have the SAME recipe. Katie came over by this time and asked where in the world we got the recipe.

I told them it was from our dear friend, Nichole, from Houston. I informed them that she used this recipe to win at all of the chili cook-off that we had. As I was telling them this, it dawned on me that Nichole is from is Lanny and Katie. I told them her name and sure enough, Katie had given the recipe to Nichole. Katie got it from a friend, who got it from a woman, who got it from another woman in Chicago on a train ride. What a small world. We had a good laugh and they were kind enough to share the spoils of their win with us.


Mom said...

That's really funny, now we need to find out who that woman is who was on the train in Chicago. Maybe she'll read this blog and send you her name!!

Alona said...

I love this story! Did you call Nichole yet?

Bonfire said...

i love Nichole's cornbread recipe! just made some :)